Technical Assessments and Vendor Oversight. URA has a 17 year history of providing utility company fuel organizations with independent assessments of their analysis or the analysis performed for them by their fuel supplier. Our familiarity with all U.S. fuel vendor reload design and safety evaluation methodologies, plus our hands-on experience with BWR and PWR fuel designs provides a solid foundation for these consulting services. |
Technical Software Development. Our software services include the customization of customer licensed software, development of industry and customer-funded stand alone applications, and the internal development of a range of productivity enhancing applications. Our most popular product is the PC-based Core Physics Workstation with integrated linking software for lattice physics and multi-cycle reactor simulations. |
In-Core Fuel Management. URA provides a range of in-core fuel management services including independent reload design evaluations, multi-cycle fuel plans, and technical evaluations of competitive fuel bids. |
Technical Training. URA has developed and provided technical training to multiple utility organizations and has performed competency assessments to identify gaps in the technical skills available to the utility organizations. |
Reload Analysis Support. URA performs reload analysis verification and independent design review for both PWR and BWR customers, and has developed multiple core physics models in support of customer's reload analysis activities. |
Fuel Accounting. URA fuel accounting services include financial assessments of current decommissioning funds, reviews of spent fuel accounting, as well as fuel accounting and expense forecasting software development. |
Safety Analysis Support. URA has performed numerous Reload Safety Evaluation (RSE) activities for both domestic and international customers, including the preparation of a program plan for RSE development, preparation of topical reports for NRC submittal, and review of topical reports prior to NRC submittal. |
Records Management. The URA staff has experience in developing design specifications, database product evaluation and selection, and process implementation for the records management systems needed for today's nuclear industry organizations. |
Core Monitoring Support. URA developed the one-point method of PWR ex-core nuclear instrumentation calibration in the early 1990's and is currently developing BWR online core monitoring models and performing multi-cycle benchmark calculations in support of a customer's transition to a new online core monitoring system. |
Management and Work Process Assessments. URA has performed organizational and capabilities reviews to assess group functions involving central engineering groups servicing several nuclear power plants, and developed a strategy for each organization to effectively carry out its responsibilities. |
Simulator Support. The URA staff has experience supporting the procurement and construction of full scope nuclear simulators, including the preparation of the technical material for simulator proposals, compliance monitoring, and acceptance testing. |
Staff Augmentation. URA can provide the resources your organization needs
today to get the work done. Whether you want URA to manage a specific project or just free up your staff to work on new projects, URA has the expertise you need. |