URA has developed several productivity applications to improve the ease of performing specific engineering and fuel accounting tasks for which the utility customer is responsible. Click on the product descriptions given below or contact URA at 301-294-1940 for more information concerning existing URA productivity applications or to find out if URA can develop a tailored solution to improve the productivity of your organization.
 | Core Physics Workstation. The Core Physics Workstations developed by URA provide a Windows graphical user interface (GUI) to lattice physics and nodal simulation codes used for core design, operations support and fuel management. Both PWR and BWR versions were developed with Visual Basic Interface programming that easily permits customization of displays, yet provides flexibility for all reactor designs. Interfaces to SIMULATE-3, NEMO and CORETRAN have been implemented as well as our fast running PCNODE for scoping studies. A common GUI interface
design permits easy adaptation to other nodal codes. More…
Customized Model Building Applications. URA has developed various customized auxiliary applications for passing neutronic data between lattice physics codes, nodal simulation codes and safety analysis codes. URA can customize the existing applications to
meet your specific core model building process.
 | Fuel Inventory Databases. URA has developed four Microsoft Access databases to assist the core management and procurement specialists in performing their job functions. Each database is easy to customize, use, and maintain, and may be an ideal simple solution for any organization that is consolidating data from several diverse sources. The databases include embedded text and graphical reporting capabilities, as well as hyperlinks to Excel and Word applications for additional report preparation and analysis.
Because of the familiar Microsoft interface, individuals may perform software training at their own pace and can customize the database as the need arises. More…
Fuel Accounting and Expense Forecasting Workbook. URA has developed and licensed a Microsoft Excel workbook that allows the customer to calculate monthly and forecast fuel expense for procurement activities without the use of a complicated proprietary computer program. Customers have used the workbooks to review fuel cost computations, analyze cost projection methodologies, develop multi-year fuel budgets, perform present value analysis of UF6 inventory disposition options, and assess the projected funding level in the decommissioning funding plan.
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