Core Physics Workstation
Used by design engineers to:
| modify loading patterns using the computer mouse to “drag and drop” assemblies
| setup and submit full core nodal cases to analyze the loading patterns
| retrieve and summarize results using graphical output displays
| readjust the loading pattern and submit a new case
| develop cycle depletion step out and control rod sequence cases in a similar interactive fashion for BWRs
After the design for the new reload is completed, the core analysis engineer or the reactor engineer can use CPW to:
| setup and submit full core or quarter core cases to analyze cycle depletion scenarios
| setup and submit cases to analyze ECPs and shutdown margins
| evaluate thermal margins and analyze alternate operating strategies
| setup and evaluate load following maneuvers
To aid in the quick analysis of results, CPW graphics provides:
| full and quarter core maps displaying bundle power, exposure, reactivity, thermal limits and fuel description information
| axial distributions for power, reactivity and exposure
| time dependent displays of reactor power, boron, rod insertion, thermal limits and reactivity coefficients
To aid in the preparation of reports and the dissemination of information, the CPW provides:
| color graphics which can be cut and pasted into other documents such as slide presentations
| tabulated results in spreadsheet format which can be saved directly in a spreadsheet program