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Fuel Inventory Database

URA has developed a Microsoft Access database to assist the core management and procurement specialists in performing their job functions.  The Fuel Inventory Database previewed here uses Visual Basic coding to update inventory quantity and dollar balances as “feed material” is processed through the fuel cycle.  This is done for U3O8 and UF6-natural on an average inventory cost basis.  The application performs a calculation of total U3O8 feed requirement for a conversion invoice, and then employs a drop-down box to let the user assign specific pounds U3O8 by Country of Origin as feed material up to the total requirement to feed the invoiced kgU of conversion service.  The inventory held at each convertor site by Country of Origin should be the same in the database as is reported by the conversion company in its “detail reports.” 

For enrichment invoices, the application performs a calculation of total UF6 feed requirement based on information entered on the Invoice Form (enrichment assay, kgU enriched product, and tails assay) for each of the enrichment invoices.  Fabrication invoices may be assigned to both capital and expense Work Orders. For engineering, the database can monitor and assign both outside contract services and internal engineering labor expense and assign these to a specific reload.

The URA documentation for the Fuel Inventory Database includes a Software Requirements Specification, Software Design Description, User Manual, Validation Test Plan and Test Report, and an Acceptance Test Plan and Test Report.  The User Manual shows each of the forms printed on a page in color and with arrows and message boxes pointing to what needs to be done.

For more information concerning the URA Fuel Inventory Database, contact Kevin O'Sullivan at 301-294-8019.


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